通信No. 51 海の言葉45【海の牧草 ② その実体】



 造語主らしいジョンストン*1は、“whenever the plankton became regarded as the “pastures of the sea” “the question of the distribution of the sources of nutriment of these marine pastures inevitably suggested…” “In every way, the plankton is to be compared with pasture; not only in composition but in function, since the former is indirectly or directly utilised as food by marine animals which in their turn afford a flesh product to the fisherman; while pasture is, of course, utilised in just the same way by the animals raised by the farmers.”と書いている。1920年代になってアレン(E.J. Allen) は、“from an economic point of view the sea may be regarded as a blue pasture for the raising of marketable fishes. Farmers know that a certain acreage will support of fatten a definite number of cattle, but similar precise information regarding the sea is lacking.”と問題を投げかけ、それに応じて研究を開始したハーヴェイ は1934年に“the sea was a closely-grazed pasture”だと喝破した*4。こうして「海の牧草」という比喩は定着し、ハーディ(A. Hardy 1962)*2は有名な普及書で “All the life of the open sea depends for its basic supply of food upon the sunlit ‘pastures’ of floating microscopic plants.”と記すに至った。以上はすべて英国人の著述である。この比喩が、英国では抵抗なく受け入れられたことを示している。

 後に米国のヘンドリックソン(R. Hendrickson 1984) は「海の辞典*3」の第一項目にプランクトンを挙げ、その中で “Because it is the oceans basic food, plankton is often called the pasture or grass of the sea.”と、躊躇なく記述している。さらに近年、カナダのミルズ(E.L. Mills)は、“Surveying the Blue Pasture: Plankton Dynamics at Plymouth, 1921-1933” という章を設けて英国での研究史を詳述している*4。(いずれも、下線は筆者による)





*1 Johnstone, J. 1908. Conditions of Life in the Sea. A Short Account of Quantitative Marine Biological Research. Univ. Press, Cambridge, 332 pp.

*2 Hardy, A. 1962. The Open Sea. Its Natural History, Part I. The World of Plankton. Collins, London, 335 pp. (初版1956)

*3 Hendrickson, R. 1984. The Ocean Almanac: Being a Copious Compendium on Sea Creatures, Nautical Lore & Legend, Master Mariners, Naval Disasters, and Myriad Mysteries of the Deep. Doubleday & Company, New York, 446 pp.

*4 Mills, E.L.  1989. Biological Oceanography: An Early History, 1870-1960.  Cornell University Press, Ithaca & London, 378 pp.
